It's On!

Dust of those spikes, put away your winter joggers and let’s get ready for an exciting season of summer track and field.  From school performances and people who have already registered and new athletes indicating they will become a member of IBS, the season looks good.  Our first members to move into a competitive mode will be our school age athletes who have entered the NSW All schools to be held in October, and from school performances held recently, our club will be well represented.  They will be followed by our masters’ athletes heading to Perth for the World Masters Championships.  But this is just the start of the summer and many more events will be held including our own Open Day with ANSW on Sunday 9 October.

Come on down on Sunday 18 September, at 2.00 pm andcompete in the variety of events we will have on offer for the first week, dust off the winter blues, order your uniform, register and be ready for a summer of great athletics.  You will also receive the full summer program of events, including club and ANSW events.

Oh, and don’t forget, bring your mum and dad, girlfriend/boyfriend, or just a great supporter.  They may just like the sport also, or be keen to take a stopwatch, take a rake, or pull out the tape.  We can use your supporters, and they can also compete.

Our club caters for all abilities and ages, our members all mix in together and we have a wonderful support base.  Tell your friends and come on down to Kerryn McCann Athletic Centre Sunday 18 September at 2.0 pm.  One last thing, if you can’t make Sunday 18 September , IBS takes membership all season, and you can join at any time, but remember you must have at least 50% attendance at club meets for eligibility for point score events.

Print your forms off this web site, bring them with you, and also print off the relay form below and submit for consideration for the relay titles in November.  Let’s make as many teams as possible.

See you on 18 September at 2.00 pm.