The South Coast Region Championships are back!

Last held in the late 90s, the Region Championships are returning, to mark the end of the local 2022/23 track and field season.  For social athletes, it will be one last opportunity to post a personal best in each event.  For those contesting upcoming National Championships, it will be an opportunity for a final tune-up before State representation.

Rather than the Championships taking up a whole weekend, the event will instead be hosted across a week of short meets, co-hosted by each of the resident ANSW clubs at Kerryn McCann Athletic Centre:

·         Thursday, 16th March - Kembla Joggers

·         Sunday, 19th March – Illawarra Blue Stars

·         Wednesday, 22nd March – Athletics Wollongong

Come along to all three meets, or as many as you like. 

 The clubs currently included in the South Coast Region are:

·         Athletics Wollongong

·         Euro Coast Athletics

·         Illawarra Blue Stars

·         Kembla Joggers

·         Kiama Little Athletics (Dual members)

·         Lake Illawarra (Dual members)

·         Nowra

·         Sapphire Coast Runners

·         Victory Runners

While only members of the above clubs are eligible to win the Region Championship ‘title’, members of any other ANSW-affiliated club are also welcome to participate.

Pre-entry to the event is not required - but we do ask that those participating in sprint hurdles or long hurdles events email their intention to participate at least 24 hours prior, to aid in setting up.  Otherwise, attending the event site when called, is all that is required to ‘enter’ the event.  (See the timetable guides for each meet below).

All attendees must pay entry to use the facility at the Leisure Centre front counter (including a $1 fee for ‘spectators’).  There is no further cost to participate in events.

The vibe will be fun and social: no medals or trophies; no uniforms required.  Participants – or parents/guardians for those Under 18 - will be asked to assist in running field events.  Electronic timing will be provided for track races.  The timetables are such that there should be few, if any, clashes: everyone will have the opportunity to contest every event.

To assist in keeping things moving, all track events will be timed finals, where necessary.  While a reasonable number of warm-up attempts will be allowed in field events, competition throws will be limited to three.

We hope you enjoy the 2023 South Coast Region Championships.  Best of luck – and have fun!

Note that times are a guide only.  Athletes should listen to announcements as to when to attend their events – and be observant: if others can be seen at the event area around the time it’s meant to start, then maybe you should be there too!

Track events will be held from youngest to oldest.  Marshals will assign lanes and divide fields into heats, if necessary. 

Field events will be called as athletes finish their preceding race.  Men and Women will compete alongside each other, with each age/gender throwing the correct weighted implement per AA/Masters rules.

Please click here to complete the form to nominate your intention to participate for the sprint hurdles or long hurdles events and then email your form at least 24 hours prior to the championships.

Some events are named after former athletes from the South Coast Region who attained Australian representation at either World Juniors, Commonwealth Games, World Championships, Paralympics, or Olympics.  Their feats should inspire and encourage the next generation to reach for the same heights. 

For even further incentive: there’s plenty more events above that are looking for names to top them!